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Dongguk University Wins Series of Large Government-Funded Projec...

Date 2019.05.23. Writer Editor Hits 1308



Dongguk University Wins Series of Large Government-Funded Projects

Selected for Lifelong Education System Support Project and Early Start-up Package Project, among others.

Dongguk University (President Sung-Yee Yoon) has recently been selected for a series of government-funded projects. The University announced on the 1st of this month that the school was selected for the 2019 Early Start-up Package Project under the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Lifelong Education System Support Project under the Ministry of Education and the National Institute for Lifelong Education.

The Early Start-up Package Project supervised by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups supports a package consisting of a government grant of up to 100 million KRW, education, and mentoring for the efficient start-up business of preliminary founders and young companies within 3 years of establishment through the supervising organizations, such as universities and public agencies equipped with excellent start-up infrastructure.

This project has combined the existing Start-up Leadership College, Smart Venture Campus, and Generation Convergence Start-up Campus; the organization will commence operation for the first time later this year.

Since 2011, when it was selected first for the Startup Leadership University Cultivation Project, Dongguk University has been named a startup leadership university for eight consecutive years. The university was appointed as a supervising organization for the “2019 Early Startup Package Project” based on its 2018 performance evaluation result.

Dongguk University has made an effort to create a startup-centered university culture. The startups that the university has supported for the last three years have created total sales of approximately 75.8 billion KRW, hired 662 employees, and earned more than 25 investments for start-ups, thus proving once again that it is a university with strength in business start-ups.

For this project, Dongguk University aims to “create a start-up campus where the youth and community work together” and plans to specialize in ▲ university and research institute start-ups, ▲ youth startups, and ▲regional bases.

Dae-Young Kim, Head of the Dongguk University Startup Support Center said, “We will discover excellent startups based on our long experience of startup support and success know-how. We will take the leadership in spreading the start-up culture to the community beyond the boundary of the university.”

Meanwhile, the Lifelong Education System Support Project under the Ministry of Education and the National Institute for Lifelong Education will support lifelong education degree courses for adult learners. The selected universities will pursue joint activities, such as the development of K-MOOC courses (Korean online open lectures), by forming a mutual consultation body.

Adult learners that satisfy the qualifications for each university type, such as graduation from Meister and specialized high schools, can apply for the lifelong degree courses. The students are selected by customized screening instead of the college scholastic ability test score.

Dongguk University is operating the Future Convergence College as a lifelong education college, which comprises the Convergence Security Department, Social Welfare Consulting Department, and Global Trading Department.

Chang-Han Lee, Dean of the Future Convergence College, said “The Future Convergence College of Dongguk University aims to become an open college for the career design of adult learners. We will continue to strive to provide the best educational programs to assist adult learners in earning degrees and redesigning their careers.”