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MOU Signed for Research Exchange and Cooperation between Dongguk...

Date 2020.07.21. Writer admin Hits 866


MOU Signed for Research Exchange and Cooperation between Dongguk University and Korea Road Traffic Authority

Promoting Joint Venture in Response to Environmental Changes in Future Road Traffic


MOU Signed for Research Exchange and Cooperation between Dongguk University and Korea Road Traffic Authority

Dongguk University (President Yoon Sung-yi) and Korea Road Traffic Authority (Chairman Yoon Jong-ki) signed an MOU for research exchange and cooperation at the Lotus Hall of Dongguk University on Wednesday, July 8th, 2020.

Under this agreement, Dongguk University and Korea Road Traffic Authority plan to enhance their research capabilities and competitiveness by actively exchanging research data, and pursue multidisciplinary efforts, such as developing new technologies and improving systems in the transportation sector in this era of the fourth industrial revolution.

In particular, the two agencies will actively promote joint research and development, academic events, and the exchange of research personnel to respond to changes in the future transportation environment, such as the development of new technologies, and the development and improvement of legislation in the autonomous vehicle and transportation “big data” sectors.

Dongguk University is expected to cultivate excellence and talent needed for the society of the future, and Korea Road Traffic Authority is expected to accelerate infrastructure development and system improvement to prepare for the advent of autonomous driving environment through industrial and academic cooperation.

At the ceremony, President Yoon of Dongguk University said, “This joint venture will be a good opportunity to secure new technology in the transportation sector in the era of the fourth industrial revolution through research and exchange cooperation with Korea Road Traffic Authority. It is expected to be of great help in the development of D.N.A (Big Data, Network, AI), which is a strategic specialization field at Dongguk University related to future technology developed for the fourth industrial revolution.”