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Dongguk University held 2021 Summer Graduation Ceremony online a...

Date 2021.09.02. Writer admin Hits 4346


Dongguk University held 2021 Summer Graduation Ceremony online at 10 am on Aug. 19

Dongguk University held the 2021 summer graduation ceremony at 10 am on August 19, 2021. The total number of degree recipients was 1,468, including 99 PhD’s, 215 master’s and 1,154 bachelors.
In his graduation speech, President Yoon Sung Yee said, “You started college life offline but completed it online. Based on this experience, I encourage all of you to become smart leaders in the new contactless era. Instead of seeking immediate gains, you need to cherish everlasting values, and honesty, sincerity, and sacrifices as well as appreciation and thoughtful consideration will guide you toward success and prosperity.”
Amid COVID-19, the graduation ceremony was pre-recorded. After editing, the completed video file was posted on the official YouTube account of Dongguk University.
According to the released video, the ceremony proceeded in the order of opening remarks of the ceremony, the three Buddhist rites, report on academic affairs; president’s graduation address, chairman’s address, congratulatory speech by the president of the alumni association, video clips of congratulatory remarks by alumni, presentation of awards to graduates and persons of merit, graduation ceremony where the president grants the degree to individual graduates, singing the school song in unison, chanting of the Four Great Vows, and closing ceremony.
Of these, the visit-and-grant graduation ceremony, which was first devised to meet the wishes of graduates who were not happy with a graduation ceremony online, drew keen attention. President Yoon and Deans of colleges visited the graduates in person to confer graduation certificates and graduation gowns and took pictures with them. The university selected five graduates via application. For two days from August 10 to 11, they visited in-person places designated by each graduate and presented them “a customized graduation ceremony.”
In addition, the university will operate an outdoor photo zone for graduates until August 29. To create an atmosphere for graduation ceremony, the school installed back walls, photo booths, and Ako character balloons at Paljeongdo and Students’ Union in Seoul Campus.