Fall Commencement Ceremony Held At the Mid-Auditorium of Main Building
A total of 1,683 Degrees were Conferred

Our university held the fall 2019 commencement ceremony at the Mid-Auditorium of the Main Building at the Seoul Campus on Thursday, 22nd at 11:00 AM. At the ceremony, a total of 1,683 graduates received diplomas out of which, 1,090 were bachelor’s degrees, 504 were master’s degrees, and 89 were Ph.D.’s.
Beopsan Sunim, the Chairman of the Board delivered a congratulatory address, saying, “With a sincere heart I wish that as you embark on your new expedition, you will be filled with glorious wisdom whereby happiness will blossom.”
In the congratulatory message, President Sung Yee Yoon said, “I wish that you will achieve every dream in this world,” and shared words of encouragement saying, “keep the lessons and spirit of Dongguk alive deep inside your mind and excel at your work while interacting amicably with people around you.”
Dae-shin Park, the president of alumni said, “the graduates should take up challenges to become the best in every area and at every level of the society,” and asked them, “to have confidence as we, the Dongguk people have the valor and commitment like what is in the DNA of tough and trustworthy elephants.”
▶ Geun-chang Lee, the CEO of Hanyang Steel Plaza Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree
At the commencement ceremony, Geun-chang Lee, the CEO of Hanyang Steel Plaza Co., Ltd., received an honorary doctorate degree. Mr. Lee has made great contributions towards job creation and economic development through Hanyang Steel Plaza, a die-steel company that possesses the best technology in South Korea. He received the degree as a recognition of the contribution made towards the upliftment of the alienated weak people of our society by returning corporate profits, and efforts made for the growth of Buddhism.
Mr. Lee graduated from the Hanyang University, with a major in chemical engineering, and after working as a teacher at the Hanyang Technical High School, executive secretary at the Manhae’s Thoughts Research Institute, and senior sales manager at the Shinhan Steel Co., Ltd., he founded Hanyang Metals, the former body of Hanyang Steel Plaza in 1993.