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Have you ever heard about ISADU?

Date 2019.09.30. Writer Editor Hits 1028



Have you ever heard about ISADU?

If you are an international student in Dongguk University, you may have enjoyed ‘Cuseok Picnic’ where international and exchange students hung out at Yeouinaru on 16th. Or you could have seen the Jujeom selling some international food in Dongguk festival last semester. These events were organized by the students who introduced themselves as ISADA in Dongguk Univ. orientation for international freshman and new exchange students. ISADA is a short word for International Student Association of Dongguk Univ.

It is the very first council for overseas students in Dongguk. It was constituted this year by Toma (Business Administration, Senior) from Russia with about 20 foreign students. They would like to help and communicate with other international students in studying in Dongguk. Their first official event was Jujeom they run at their own expense last semester. Now let’s hear it from the three members of the council.

From left

Steve (International Trade, Junior) from China

Hoang (Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Sophomore) from Vietnam

Nubee (Major in Computer Science and Engineering, Sophomore) from Nigeria


Jujeom, Picnic, And ?

Steve: We were total strangers one another until preparing Jujeom. It’s been hard on us working with people we had never seen. We divided the work;some went to a market to buy some alcohol, snack and ingredient and others made menu, coupons and posters for promotion. It took a month to prepare this whole thing. It was a great chance to connect other students from other country. Many people came and enjoyed the food we prepared. Our first participation in the festival was a success.

Hoang: We made and sell food for Korean and international students. I prepared 200 Vietnamese Spring Rolls. At first, I was to sell them, but I happen to give out them for free. There were also taco, Hungary chicken grill platter, Russian dumplings. It was an amazing experience.


Nubee: The goal of the events is one thing; to gather and have fun with other foreign students altogether. We had a good time with many exchange students at Chuseok Picnic. We are also planning to run picnic regularly and the second picnic will be in October. This time we will invite some Korean students over, and I’ve already asked The General Coed Student Council for help to gather Korean. Plus, Temple stay, experiencing daily life in temple, is expecting in December. It could be an opportunity to learn Korean culture especially for exchange students.


Feel Free to Join In

Steve: I was so lonely for the last 2 years at Dongguk. But, at Jujeom various people including foreign professors, overseas and Korean students were there having fun. It was the first time forever seeing such scene, spending time together. I was impressed and It was like union.

Nubee: To be frank with you, it’s been hard on me to spend much time and make effort. Some of my friends say, “why are you making yourself busy by doing that?” It is my choice, so I am going to take it. Actually, my experiences in student council of my major helped a lot. If I have not joined the council, I’d never know how to manage ISAD. I owe them a lot.

We, of course, know what bothers international students. We can’t completely solve your problems facing in Korea but, we will help you as possible as we can. Even though you don’t speak Korean or English well Don’t hesitate to join us. We can solve the common problems we have one by one. Let’s just enjoy Korean culture together.

The members volunteered to operate the organization. They are spontaneously working hard and doing their best to ISADU going on and on even after the current members are gone or graduate. They are looking forward to see You soon.

*For more information, visit and follow their social media accounts


Hwang Hae-su Reporter