

(주)이수페타시스 - 태국인 유학생(졸업예정자 및 졸업생) 채용

등록일 2024.10.30. 작성자 김나라 조회 303

(주)이수페타시스는 전자제품의 핵심부품인 인쇄회로기판(PCB)을 전문으로 생산하고 있으며, 

한국 (주)이수페타시스(본사)에는 4개의 공장 및 연구소를 운영하고 있음. 


지역별로는 해외 총 2개의 생산기지(미국, 중국)을 보유, 

2개의 자회사와 2개의 손자회사를 두고 사업을 운영하고 있음. 


이수페타시스의 판매조직은 영업본부 아래에 해외영업 및 국내영업으로 구성되어 있음.



시총 2조5014억(24.9.27기준) /매출액:6,753억(2023기준) 사원수:1,139명




-글로벌 인재채용(한국거주 태국인)




지원자의 경력,전공과 희망커리어에 대해 충분히 상의후 본인이 원하는업무배치가능 (해외영업,인사,재무,구매파트 등)

부서에 배치되어 적응교육과 업무를 수행하게 될 예정입니다.



-한국어 가능자(한국어 토픽 5급이상)

-비자발급에 결격사유가 없는자(대한민국에서 합법적으로 사무직,연구직으로 근무 가능자)

-학력: 졸업예정자 혹은 대졸이상



-신입~경력10년 이하(전공,성별 무관)



-영어구사 가능자

-한국직장생활 경험자(아르바이트,인턴등)

-한국어 문서 작성 능숙자


-근무지:대구시 달성군 이수페타시스 본사

-본인 원할경우 태국지사근무(사무삭혼 지역)


-제출양식:당사(글로벌스카우트)양식 or MS word 양식

-연봉은 신입: 4천만원 초반 +@(연말 성과급지급)



1차(화상면접) 2차(대면 면접, 교통비 5만원 지급)



Isu Petasys Co., Ltd. www.petasys.com

 The company specializes in producing printed circuit boards (PCBs), 

which are core components of electronic products,

 and operates four factories and research centers in Isu Petasys Co., Ltd. (headquarters) in Korea. 

By region, it has two overseas production bases (USA, China), 

and operates business through two subsidiaries and two grandchildren companies.

 Isu Petasys' sales organization consists of overseas sales and domestic sales under the sales headquarters.


 KOSPI-listed company: Market cap: KRW 2.3654 trillion / Sales: KRW 675.3 billion (as of 2023) Number of employees: 1,139 ==============================================================================================


[Recruitment Division]


- Global Talent Recruitment (Thais residing in Korea)

- Number of Recruits: 3

 [Position Introduction]

 We are recruiting global talent due to the business expansion of Isu Petasys, a leading global PCB company. After sufficient discussion about the applicant's career, major, and desired career, the applicant will be assigned to a department that requires global talent such as overseas sales, human resources, or purchasing, where they will receive adaptation training and perform duties.




 - Those who can speak Korean

- Those who do not have any disqualifications for visa issuance (those who can legally work in office or research positions in Korea)

- Schools are domestic standards; regional national universities / similar levels in Thai universities




- New hire ~ 10 years of experience (regardless of major or gender)

 [Preferred qualifications]

- Those who can speak English

- Those who have experience working in a Korean office (part-time job, internship, etc.)

- Those who are good at writing Korean documents




- Workplace: Isu Petasis headquarters in Dalseong-gun, Daegu

- If desired, work at the Thailand branch (office work area)

- Dormitory: 1 person, 1 room (officetel level)

-The interview process consists of a first video interview and a second face-to-face interview.

-Cash support of 50,000 won for transportation expenses during the second interview




-The annual salary for new employees is in the early 40 million won, and performance bonuses are paid separately at the end of the year.

-The annual salary for experienced workers is in the early 50 million won range, and performance bonuses are paid separately at the end of the year.


붙임 글로벌스카우트 이력서 양식. 1부. 끝

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